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Palletising Robots

Nachi LP180 4-axis palletizing robot for fast-speed, precision palletizing. With a payload up to 180 kg, and a 3210 mm reach, the robot can lift pallets and boxes in a wide cover with over a 1000 packages per hour.
Contact us for a quote! 0.0 DKK
LP130F is the perfect palletizing robot for the fast-paced production layout.

With a payload of up to 130 kg and a reach of 3210 mm, the palletizing robot can stack boxes or bags precisely.

The LP130F can stack and palletize up to 1500 boxes per hour at 130 kg, and 1800 boxes per hour at 60 kg.

The LP series can lift many different shapes and sizes, and palletizing hands can be attached for small or large loads.

The compact design reduces interference within the working area, enhancing flexibility in compact production.

Both the robot's arm and body are dustproof and splash-proof (IP54).
Contact us for a quote! 0.0 DKK
LP210 er den perfekte palleteringsrobot til det hurtige produktionslayout.

Med en nyttelast op til 210kg og en rækkevidde på 3210mm kan palleteringsrobotten stable kasser eller sække præcist i en stor radius om robotten.

LP-serien kan løfte mange forskellige former og størrelser, og der er mulighed for at påsætte palleteringshænder for småt eller stort læs.

Det kompakte design reducerer forstyrrelser inden for arbejdsarealet, hvilket styrker fleksibiliteten i den kompakte produktion.

Både robottens arm og krop er støvsikker og sprøjtetæt (IP54).
Contact us for a quote! 0.0 DKK