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Photoelectric sensors

FT 25-RH-PS-M4
Proximity switch bgs,, LED red, teach-in (button and input), 24 VDC, PNP, N.O (N.C), plug M8 4-pin For this prodcut a newv. Bring your production to new heights with Sensopart vision and sensor
Kontakt os for et tilbud. 0.0 EUR
Photoelectric proximity sensor with background suppression (fixed focus), 60 mm, red light, LED, Auto-Detect, metal plug M8 4-pi. Bring your production to new heights with Sensopart vision and sensor
Kontakt os for et tilbud. 0.0 EUR
Photoelectric proximity sensor with background suppression (fixed focus), 80 mm, red light, LED, Auto-Detect, cable 2 m 4-wire,. Bring your production to new heights with Sensopart vision and sensor
Kontakt os for et tilbud. 0.0 EUR
Photoelectric proximity sensor with background suppression (fixed focus), 80 mm, red light, LED, Auto-Detect, fixed settings, pl. Bring your production to new heights with Sensopart vision and sensor
Kontakt os for et tilbud. 0.0 EUR
Photoelectric proximity sensor with background suppression fixed focus, 60 mm, red light, LED, Auto-Detect, cable 2 m 4-wire, IP. Bring your production to new heights with Sensopart vision and sensor
Kontakt os for et tilbud. 0.0 EUR
Photoelectric proximity sensor with backgrpund suppression (fixed focus), 60 mm, red light, LED, Auto-Detect, plug M8 4-pin, IP6. Bring your production to new heights with Sensopart vision and sensor
Kontakt os for et tilbud. 0.0 EUR
FT 25-RF1-PS-M4M
Proximity sensor with backgrpund suppression, (fixed focus), 60mm, redlight, LED, PNP, metal plug M8 4-pin, IP67 & IP69K For thi. Bring your production to new heights with Sensopart vision and sensor
Kontakt os for et tilbud. 0.0 EUR
FT 25-RF2-NS-K4
For this prodcut a new version is available 608-11061 FT 25-RF2-PNSL-K4. That offers additional functionality via IO-Link. Morep. Bring your production to new heights with Sensopart vision and sensor
Kontakt os for et tilbud. 0.0 EUR
FT 25-RF2-PS-K4
Proximity switch with background suppression, 80mm, Fix Focus, PNP NO/NC, 2m cable For this prodcut a new version is available60. Bring your production to new heights with Sensopart vision and sensor
Kontakt os for et tilbud. 0.0 EUR
FT 25-RF2-PS-M4
For this prodcut a new version is available 608-11060 FT 25-RF2-PNSL-M4. That offers additional functionality via IO-Link. Morep. Bring your production to new heights with Sensopart vision and sensor
Kontakt os for et tilbud. 0.0 EUR
FT 25-RF1-PS-K4
Photoelectric proximity sensor with background suppression, fixed focus, 60mm, redlight, LED, PNO, cable 2m 4-pin, IP67 & IP69K. Bring your production to new heights with Sensopart vision and sensor
Kontakt os for et tilbud. 0.0 EUR
FT 25-RF1-PS-M4
Proximity sensor with backgrpund suppression, (fixed focus), 60mm, redlight, LED, PNP, plug M8 4-pin, IP67 & IP69K For this prod. Bring your production to new heights with Sensopart vision and sensor
Kontakt os for et tilbud. 0.0 EUR
Photoelectric through-beam sensor (receiver), 18 m, laser, Auto-Detect, teach-in, metal plug M8 4-pin, IP 67 & IP 69, IO-Link. Bring your production to new heights with Sensopart vision and sensor
Kontakt os for et tilbud. 0.0 EUR
Photoelectric through-beam sensor (receiver), 18 m, laser, Auto-Detect, teach-in, cable 2m, 4 wires, IP 67 & IP 69, IO-Link. Bring your production to new heights with Sensopart vision and sensor
Kontakt os for et tilbud. 0.0 EUR
For this prodcut a new version is available: 605-21021 FE 25-RL-PNSL-M4M That offers additional functionality via IO-Link. Morep. Bring your production to new heights with Sensopart vision and sensor
Kontakt os for et tilbud. 0.0 EUR
For this prodcut a new version is available: 605-21022 FE 25-RL-PNSL-M4M That offers additional functionality via IO-Link. Morep. Bring your production to new heights with Sensopart vision and sensor
Kontakt os for et tilbud. 0.0 EUR
FE 25-RL-PS-K4
Laser through-beam sensor, receiver, ....m , red light, teach-in (button and input), 24 VDC, NPN, N.O (N.C), cable with plug M84. Bring your production to new heights with Sensopart vision and sensor
Kontakt os for et tilbud. 0.0 EUR
FE 25-RL-NS-K4
Laser through-beam sensor, receiver, ...m, red light, teach-in (button and input), 24 VDC, NPN, N.O.(N.C.), cable For this prodc. Bring your production to new heights with Sensopart vision and sensor
Kontakt os for et tilbud. 0.0 EUR
FS 25-RL-L-M4M
Photoelectric through-beam sensor (emitter), 18 m, laser, metal plug M8 4-pin, IP68 & IP 59, IO-Link. Bring your production to new heights with Sensopart vision and sensor
Kontakt os for et tilbud. 0.0 EUR
FS 25-RL-L-K4
Photoelectric through-beam sensor (emitter), 18 m, laser, cable 2 m 4- wire, IP68 & IP 59, IO-Link. Bring your production to new heights with Sensopart vision and sensor
Kontakt os for et tilbud. 0.0 EUR
FS 25-RL-M4M
For this prodcut a new version is available: 605-11013 FS 25-RL-L-M4M That offers additional functionality via IO-Link. More pro. Bring your production to new heights with Sensopart vision and sensor
Kontakt os for et tilbud. 0.0 EUR