Smart Stregkodelæser
Hikrobots Smart Stregkodelæser-serie muliggør et meget bredt anvendelsesområde for din bekvemmelighed. Fra kraftfulde håndholdte stregkodescannere og logistik-kode-læsere til kode-læsning i vanskelige positioner, lysforhold og refleksion. Download databladet for flere tekniske detaljer.
Focal length:
Max. reading speed:
Max Framerate(s)
*se databladet for specifikke modeloplysninger
Fra 704 × 500 til 1408 × 1024
Fra 6 mm (0.2") til 16 mm (0.6")
Fra 30 codes/sec til 45 codes/sec
50 fps - 60 fps

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Start with the customer – find out what they want and give it to them.
Start with the customer – find out what they want and give it to them.
ID2000 Serien Smart Kodelæser
Som en kompakt industriel stregkodescanner kan ID2000-serien integreres i automatiserede maskinudstyr og andre automatiserede samlebånd-applikationer til stregkode-læsning i nærheden. Den understøtter almindelige 1D-, 2D- og DPM-koder, og det patenterede belysningsdesign giver høj kvalitetsbelysning af billeder.
Ultrakompakt størrelse
Med en størrelse på 46×25×38 mm understøtter ID2000-serien 2 installationsmetoder (side/bag), hvilket gør det muligt at integrere den perfekt i miniaturiseret eller eksisterende automatiseret maskinudstyr og maksimere besparelsen af installationsplads.
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Pålidelig performance til kodelæsning
Understøtter identifikation af flere 1D- og 2D-koder samt DPM-koder som lasergravering, inkjet og andre. Dekodningshastigheden kan nå op til 20 fps, og kode-læsehastigheden kan nå 45 koder/s.
Focal length:
Max. reading speed:
Max Framerate(s)
*se databladet for specifikke modeloplysninger
Fra 1280 × 1024 op til 2368 × 1760
Fra 6 mm (0.2") op til 25 mm (1.0")
60 eller 84 codes/sec
30 fps eller 60 fps

To be successful your content needs to be useful to your readers.
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Start with the customer – find out what they want and give it to them.
Start with the customer – find out what they want and give it to them.
ID3000 Series Stregkodelæser
Baseret på den indlejrede dybdelæringsplatform anvender ID3000 et kompakt og modulært design. Med nem fejlfinding (mekanisk fokusering), automatisk polariseringsfunktion og kontrollerbar lyskilde-branching kan ID3000 anvendes bredt i forskellige kode-læsningsscenarier.
Modulært Design
ID3000-serien har et bredt udvalg af lyskilder, linser og andre moduler, som er nemme at skifte, og som kan sikre den bedste billede-belysningseffekt samt tilpasse sig kravene til forskellige arbejdsafstande og synsfelter under komplekse arbejdsforhold.
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Fremragende kodelæsning
ID3000-serien integrerer en dybdelæringssystem-chip (SoC), som har kraftfuld beregningskraft og lavere energiforbrug. ID3000-serien har højhastigheds genkendelseseffektivitet og stabil genkendelse af etiketter og DPM-stregkoder.

Focal length:
Max. reading speed:
Max Framerate(s)
*se databladet for specifikke modeloplysninger
From 2048 × 1536 up to 5120 × 3968
None or 8 mm (0.3") to 25 (1.0")
36 codes/sec or 90 codes/sec
20 fps / 30 fps / 40 fps / 60 fps

To be successful your content needs to be useful to your readers.
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Start with the customer – find out what they want and give it to them.
Start with the customer – find out what they want and give it to them.
ID5000 Series Smart Stregkodelæser
Based on multi-core deep learning processor, the full-featured code reader brings powerful
code reading performance. Equipped with mechanical focus lens and various components,
ID5000 can reach up to 20M pixels, suitable for various code reading applications.
Multi-core Processing
The Smart Code Reading Camera adopts embedded multi-core algorithm. The reconstructed data stream is processed in parallel among the underlying CPU, FPGA, and DSP chips; multi-threading of shooting, positioning and decoding is realized, and the efficiency of collective auditing learning technology is improved by 3 times
High Accuracy & Wide View
Covers 1.6-12MP resolution, cameras achieve super high code-reading accuracy and large field of view. A single device can replace the use of multiple code readers at one time, which makes complex systems easier.

Max. reading speed:
Max Framerate(s)
*se databladet for specifikke modeloplysninger
4096 × 2160, 4096 × 3072, 5440 × 3648
30, 60, 84, 90 (codes/sec)
From 10 fps up to 30 fps

To be successful your content needs to be useful to your readers.
Start with the customer – find out what they want and give it to them.
Start with the customer – find out what they want and give it to them.
Start with the customer – find out what they want and give it to them.
ID6000 Series Logistics Stregkodelæser
Image-based high-resolution barcode reader ID6000 is specialized for the
logistics industry. ID6000 has especially developed in algorithm development to
cope with various complex logistics code reading application scenarios.
Extra-wide field of view
ID6000 series can be matched with various types of external integrated light sources, combined with high-performance decoding algorithms, to achieve a super-large depth of field effect of over 700mm, can cover packages under 700mm through 1 camera.
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Powerful performance
Based on high-performance multi-core deep learning processor, ID6000 series has specially optimized decoding algorithm and high decoding frames rate. It can identify complex codes in common environment such as stained, defective and poorly printing codes.

Max. Line frequency
Focal length:
*se databladet for specifikke modeloplysninger

7424 x 1
15 kHz
35 mm (1.4")
To be successful your content needs to be useful to your readers.
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Start with the customer – find out what they want and give it to them.
Start with the customer – find out what they want and give it to them.
ID7000 Series Logistics Stregkodelæser
Based on the embedded platform, ID7000 series is developed according to
the application scenarios and needs of the bottom surface of the logistics
industry. With 48 particles of LED light source and integrated structure
design, ID7000 can realize an ultra-wide coverage.
Integrated design
With 48 LED light source designed on the illumination system sides and 4 cooling fans, ID7000 series integrates image acquisition, data processing and result output functions.

Wide Coverage
ID7000 series has a built-in linear sensor with a horizontal resolution of 8K. Can be installed at the bottom of the logistics conveyor belt with a dedicated reflector, which can cover the field of view of the conveyor belt with a maximum width of 1.2m (@10mil).
Max Framerate(s):
Focal length:
*se databladet for specifikke modeloplysninger

Fra 640 × 480 op til 1280 × 1024
50 fps
3.1 mm / 4.7 mm / 6.7 mm
CE, RoHS, KC, FCC (varierer mellem modeller)
To be successful your content needs to be useful to your readers.
Start with the customer – find out what they want and give it to them.
Start with the customer – find out what they want and give it to them.
Start with the customer – find out what they want and give it to them.
IDH Serien Håndholdt Stregkodelæser
Som en kraftfuld håndholdt stregkodescanner anvender IDH-serien en millionopløsnings global eksponeringssensor. Med høj beskyttelse har IDH rød/hvid fyldlys, som automatisk kan justeres. Understøtter USB/netværksport, enkel og bekvem at bruge.
Fremragende DPM-kodegenkendelsesfunktion
Med selvudviklede algoritmer og fremragende DPM-kodelæsning har IDH-serien fremragende læseydelse for vanskelige koder: bultekoder, tilsluttede koder, lav kontrast, ridser, refleksioner og buede koder. Kan realisere effektiv kode-læsning i komplekse scenarier.
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Understøttelse af almindelige netværksport-modeller
Netværksport-modellerne understøtter almindelige industrielle kommunikationsprotokoller: Profinet, Modbus osv.

Lifting Height (mm)
Weight (kg)
Rated Load (kg)
Rotation Diameter (mm)
QR Code / Visual Slam / Laser Slam
Run time (h)
Dimension L*W*H (mm)
Rated Speed (m/s)
Max. Rotation Speed (°/s)
Position Accuracy (mm)
Charging Time (h)
Driving Mode

Differential Drive
Multiple Certifications
Full Range Safety Protections
Wide Application
To be successful your content needs to be useful to your readers.
Start with the customer – find out what they want and give it to them.
Start with the customer – find out what they want and give it to them.
Start with the customer – find out what they want and give it to them.
High Performance, Safety, Efficient
Stay on top of your warehouse. Keep the productivity high with autonomous mobile vehicles, even if your navigation needs are complex with Hikrobot mobile robots.
Keep costs down by embracing a green AMR solution and prioritizing employee skills in value positions.
Lifting Height (mm)
Weight (kg)
Rated Load (kg)
Rotation Diameter (mm)
QR Code / Visual Slam / Laser Slam
Run time (h)
Dimension L*W*H (mm)
Rated Speed (m/s)
Max. Rotation Speed (°/s)
Position Accuracy (mm)
Charging Time (h)
Driving Mode

Differential Drive
Multiple Certifications
Full Range Safety Protections
Wide Application
To be successful your content needs to be useful to your readers.
Start with the customer – find out what they want and give it to them.
Start with the customer – find out what they want and give it to them.
Start with the customer – find out what they want and give it to them.
High Performance, Safety, Efficient
Stay on top of your warehouse. Keep the productivity high with autonomous mobile vehicles, even if your navigation needs are complex with Hikrobot mobile robots.
Keep costs down by embracing a green AMR solution and prioritizing employee skills in value positions.
Lifting Height (mm)
Weight (kg)
Rated Load (kg)
Rotation Diameter (mm)
QR Code / Visual Slam / Laser Slam
Run time (h)
Dimension L*W*H (mm)
Rated Speed (m/s)
Max. Rotation Speed (°/s)
Position Accuracy (mm)
Charging Time (h)
Driving Mode

Differential Drive
Multiple Certifications
Full Range Safety Protections
Wide Application
To be successful your content needs to be useful to your readers.
Start with the customer – find out what they want and give it to them.
Start with the customer – find out what they want and give it to them.
Start with the customer – find out what they want and give it to them.
High Performance, Safety, Efficient
Stay on top of your warehouse. Keep the productivity high with autonomous mobile vehicles, even if your navigation needs are complex with Hikrobot mobile robots.
Keep costs down by embracing a green AMR solution and prioritizing employee skills in value positions.
Start with the customer – find out what they want and give it to them.